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Jeux habituellement joués : Fall Guys (100%)

Classements de la chaîne


Long Toenails Long Toenails
United Kingdom - Entertainment


Long Toenails Long Toenails
United Kingdom - Entertainment


Long Toenails Long Toenails
United Kingdom - Entertainment
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Memes, mashups, parodies and gaming is what you will find on this channel.

I make memes and try to heart every single comment/reply on my channel. I do not actually upload any "Toenail" content just in case any foot fetish people are reading this.

To make these memes, I use Adobe Premiere Pro and Adobe Photoshop.

I mostly make meme edits of trending memes and if there is no trend I try to create my own trends. Some of my popular videos consist of mashing up cursed images across the web and from people that send them in, and make them into a dank edit where every beat cuts to the next image. I also do gaming videos here and there and play games like Minecraft and other goofy games such as Roblox.