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Micky 101 Micky 101
United States - Pets & Animals


Micky 101 Micky 101
United States - Pets & Animals


Micky 101 Micky 101
United States - Pets & Animals
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Hello well come all to Micky chanel
Dogs are close and loyal friends to humans. They are always with us wherever we are regardless of whether we are happy or sad about them.
But in this world, there are still many places that just treat them as a normal animal, and even mistreat and abuse them.
Chanel 'Mikey101' a small part of people who love animals and dogs.
We will bring stories of dogs with extraordinary life force, giving people more inspiration, love and saving animals.
Please share good examples that have rescued and cared for dogs that make life more beautiful.
If you can, please support those who have been rescued with the information below the description of each video.
Important: We do not directly help or care for them. we only share good deeds.