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Jeux habituellement joués : Sonic the Hedgehog (13%) • The Legend of Zelda (6%) • Sonic Mania (6%) •+ 21 supplémentaires

Classements de la chaîne


mashed mashed
United Kingdom - Gaming


mashed mashed
United Kingdom - Gaming


mashed mashed
United Kingdom - Gaming
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Résumé automatique
Cette chaîne YouTube offre une grande variété de vidéos centrées principalement sur la culture populaire, plus particulièrement l'animation, les dessins animés et les jeux vidéo. Les spectateurs peuvent attendre des sketchs humoristiques, des sorties musicales excitantes, des discussions instructives sur les tendances actuelles, des intrigues immersives, des animations époustouflantes et des adaptations uniques inspirées de franchises populaires telles que Super Mario, Sonic l'Hérisson et Pokemon.
The stuff you love, but different…

If you like cartoons, video games and geek culture, look no further than Mashed!

We collaborate with the best creators out there to bring you brand new cartoons that will make you laugh, cry, and laugh some more. We focus on video games parody – Sonic cartoons and Mario cartoons – so there are more chuckles than tears.

It isn’t all just Super Mario cartoons & Sonic the Hedgehog cartoons, though: we’ve got Cuphead cartoons, Zelda cartoons, Pokemon cartoons & more!

So, go check out our back catalogue of video games cartoons, music videos, and everything in between. Then be excited for new cartoons every single week!


Director of Comedy & Animation: Tom Jenkins

Series Producer: Ben Michael

Animator: Liam McKeown

Post-Production: Jason Alan Dewey

Social Media Lead & Community Manager: Colm Ahern


Mashed was created by Tom Jenkins, Mert Rich & Jason Mitchell

For business enquiries, please email us: mashed@theconnectedset.com