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jacknjellify jacknjellify
United States - Film & Animation


jacknjellify jacknjellify
United States - Film & Animation


jacknjellify jacknjellify
United States - Film & Animation
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Résumé automatique
Jacknjellify est un studio de production d'animation à l'origine de séries emblématiques telles que Battle for Dream Island (BFDI) et ses spin-offs, ainsi que des concepts originaux. Leurs créations combinent comédie, aventure et éléments de réflexion, plaisant souvent aux enfants et adultes simultanément. Les collaborations avec des personnalités notables et la participation à des événements communautaires augmentent leur attractivité, fidélisant ainsi une base solide de fans dévoués.
Watch Battle for Dream Island or be eliminated. Cary and Michael Huang created BFDI!

Michael's Twitter: https://twitter.com/fernozzle
Cary's Twitter: https://twitter.com/realCarykh
BFDI's Twitter: http://twitter.com/jacknjellify

GET A FIREY/LEAFY/PEN/WOODY PLUSH: http://shop.jacknjellify.com

GET BFDI T-SHIRTS (Spreadshirt): https://shop.spreadshirt.com/bfdi/

GET BFDI HOODIES (Spreadshirt): https://crowdmade.com/collections/jacknjellify

Recommend Characters & Discord: https://patreon.com/jacknjellify

Official HTwins Website: http://htwins.net

100% unofficial BFDI CHAT (Discord server): https://discord.gg/nMat73C

Twenty characters battle for a luxurious island in an elimination-centric viewer-voted animated series, including BFDI (Battle for Dream Island), BFDIA (Battle for Dream Island AGAIN), IDFB, and BFB (Battle for B.F.D.I.).

Including BFDI 1a: Take the Plunge, BFDI 1b: Take the Plunge, BFDIA 2: Get Digging, BFDI 17: The Reveal, and BFDIA 1: Yeah, Who? I wanna Know