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Terrifying tales about the deep web, true scary stories about encounters with serial killers and creepy pastas that will make you wish you could stay awake forever. These stories will leave you huddled in the fetal position and coming back for more to jerk that last little bit of traumatizing fear that you have left in you. What will you horrify yourself with tonight? Subscribe and come back for more fear inducing nightmare fuel.

Types of stories you can expect:
Deep Web Stories
True Scary Stories
Stories from Reddit
10 lists
And more..

I am defiantly up for collaborations, just ask me!
I've collaborated with Unit #522, a long time friend, Let's Read, a very talented voice artist, Slumlocker, a very rich voice, and many more horror narrators.

Hope you enjoy your stay and remember... stay afraid.

Disclaimer: All stories on the channel and their authors are over the age of 13 at the time of writing their stories. No children allowed.