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Obviously, I am a huge Ariana Grande Fan. I love to bring you along with me as I have had the opportunity to purchase meet & greet tickets for every single one of her tours. My short term goal is to make this channel as successful as I can for you, and I can not do that without the help of all of my subscribers (YOU). With that said, If we can make it to 20k subscribers, I vow here and now to give away some of my most prized Ariana Grande memorabilia such as signed pictures, posters, and postcards, etc. I will also give away some of her exclusive vinyl records, and especially, merchandise that VIPs got for her shows, such as lanyards, bracelets, rings, bags, perfumes, etc. All you have to do is hit that SUB Button and leave a thumbs up to help out the channel. Any type of video you would like me to do, let me know. Thank you so much for your subscriptions thus far, I would not be where I am now if it weren't for you and I am so grateful for you all. You mean the world to me.