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Hi, we are Cosmopolitan Middle East, welcome to our channel!👩‍❤️‍👩 We're obsessed with all things beauty, fashion, celebs like Michele Morrone, music challenges, eating some *good* food and so much more.💅

We have a serious obsession with challenges, which you can see from our two series: Shuffle & Play and Aflamni Arabi. Looking to see if your fave Arab celebs are educated on their movie knowledge? Gotchu.

Or for a change of scenery, take a look at Just the Zoom of Us where we interview some major celebs over video call - dw you can still see their beautiful faces clearly. If you're in need of some ~ relaxation ~ like us and love all things ASMR, our Arabic series Hamsa 3arabiya is exactly what the doctor's prescribed.

Don't forget to share your thoughts & comments (which we live for.) But, keep it PG.

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Check us out at https://www.cosmopolitanme.com/ and @cosmomiddleeast ✨