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My husband surprised me with the most peak adulthood gift and I about cried 🥹❤️

Ajouté le jeu. 25 avril 2024 Éducation Rectangular HD

Our washer and dryer had been really acting up. With 7 of us in the house we desperately need our washing machine working. My husband got on it and had someone come out to look at it. Then things got worse. Two days later while I was asleep in the early morning he had a brand new washer and dryer delivered and installed so when I woke up they were ready to go 🥹❤️😭😭

And cause the internet loves to make assumptions based off a 30 second video, my husband is really good about keeping up with this stuff and while I never have to ask him repeatedly for things to get done I still show him appreciation each time he does it. ❤️❤️

In regards to the headlines of my husband “not helping” during my labor and me doing laundry doing the laundry during labor, here’s the story.

About a year ago I documented the labor and birth of my fifth child for educational purposes. My whole account is dedicated to discussing the realities of pregnancy, postpartum, and motherhood in an encouraging way ❤️ So with this documentation I showed myself in extreme nesting mode doing laundry and people lost it!

When my labor started I wanted to stay distracted. The best thing I can do for that is to clean and feel like I am in control of something during a time where I am not really in control of anything 😂 It was 10pm and our one year old woke up crying. My husband of course took care of him so I wouldn’t be trying to console a crying baby while in labor. When my husband went back to the nursery, I saw the laundry and thought “that has to get done NOW!” So I got up and did it.

I literally thought nothing of it and knew a lot of moms with multiples could relate to the strong need to clean while in labor 😂 Well a lot of younger people got wind of the video on the clock app and lost their minds. I was stitched thousands of times and then the media got hold of it. Tim and I were asked to appear on different talk shows but we denied the invite🙈

Anyway, what’s your most “peak adult” gift?! I also got emotional when I got a new vacuum 😂

#marriageadvice #marriedlife #honestmotherhood #pregnancyjourney

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La chaîne YouTube tourne autour de la maternité et des expériences parentales, se concentrant principalement sur l'éducation de cinq enfants. La créatrice partage des histoires personnelles, des conseils pratiques, des routines et des idées liées à la grossesse, à l'accouchement, aux soins aux nouveau-nés et à la gestion d'une famille nombreuse. Un public peut s'attendre à des perspectives sincères sur les défis de la parentalité, des réflexions émotionnelles et des suggestions concrètes ayant pour but d'aider et de soutenir d'autres parents ou mères en attente.
Sometimes you just want to hear it from another mom who has been there & is in the thick of it with you. That's what I'm here for!

I am Chrissy Horton, mom of 5, and I am here to candidly talk about all the things no one seems to talk about regarding pregnancy, postpartum, birth, and motherhood.