Ajinomoto Sustainability Field Trip / Vietnam ed.(English)

Ajouté le lun. 14 nov. 2022 Vie pratique et style Rectangular HD

The Ajinomoto Sustainability Field Trip series features influencers from different countries visiting the sites of Ajinomoto’s sustainable activities. In this episode, mother-of-two Trang Lou visits the first elementary school in Vietnam to participate in Ajinomoto Vietnam’s School Meals Project. She learns about how Ajinomoto Group initiatives contribute to providing nutritionally-balanced school meals and supporting nutritional education. Ajinomoto Group conducts sustainable activities like these in countries all over the world as part of their commitment to extending the healthy lifespan of 50 billion people and cutting environmental impact in half by the year 2030.
more information for the AJINOMOTO group's stories: https://www.ajinomoto.com/stories

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