
​ក្តៅៗ ផ្ទុះការចាប់អារម្មណ៍ខ្លាំង នូវទឹកដមសំឡេងក្មេងស្រីម្នាក់នេះ ច្រៀងបទ…, Khmer News, Stand Up

Ajouté le ven. 17 juil. 2020 Divertissement Rectangular HD

Stand Up Channel is focus to Khmer News, Cambodia News Today or Khmer Hot News, Superstar News, Health News and Weird News in Cambodia and around the world news by khmer language "We are Stand Up".

If you want get more Videos from stand up channel, Please follow up with me by subscribe my YouTube Channel or like me on Facebook Page.
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ឆាណែល #StandUpChannel ក៏សូមមេត្តាអភ័យទោស និងអធ្យាស្រ័យ រាល់កំហុសឆ្គងក្នុងការអាន នឹងសង្ឃឹមថាប្រិយមិត្តនៅតែគាំទ្រនិងតាមដានរាល់ពត៏មានតារាថ្មី #សូមចុចSubscribeនិងរូបកន្តឹងដើម្បីបានវីដេអូមុនគេថ្មីៗរាល់ថ្ងៃ។

►►Our channel going to update news like : ►►

1. Khmer News in Cambodia
2. SuperModel or SuperStar News in Cambodia and Thailand
3. Wierd News in the World by Khmer Language
4. Health News

NOTE: Our graphic is originally designed by us, so please do not reuse without our permission.

Sources and references:

1. https://www.popular.com.kh
2. https://kohsantepheapdaily.com.kh
3. http://tvfb.news
4. http://freshnewsasia.com:81/index.php/en/
5. https://www.khmerload.com/

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Welcome to my Stand Up Channel is focus to Cambodia News or Khmer News and Breaking News in Cambodia and around the world by khmer language.

If you want get more update from stand up channel, Please follow up with me by subscribe my YouTube Channel or like me on Facebook Page.

Facebook Page : https://bit.ly/3FZBhpb
YouTube Channel : https://bit.ly/3sHJpFd
Website : https://bit.ly/3PpB4Qm

Let watch and enjoy with my Channel. Thank you very much.