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Russia's Kharkiv Offensive and Leadership Purge - Shoigu's removal, Kharkiv & What next for Ukraine?

Ajouté le dim. 26 mai 2024 Actualités et politique Rectangular HD

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The last few weeks have arguably been a period of change for the war in Ukraine, both on and off the battlefield. In Moscow, long serving Defence Minister Shoigu has been removed from that post, while a number of Russian Generals and senior figures have been arrested or otherwise removed.

Meanwhile, in Ukraine, Russia has escalated the previously quiet Kharkiv front, edging slightly closer to Ukraine's second city.

In this episode, I want to unpack some of the current political and economic context and ask what may be next for a Russia war effort that is now 'under new management'


Caveats, Comments and Corrections:

All normal caveats and disclaimers apply

In particular – I would like to note as always that this material has been created for entertainment purposes and is not intended to be a complete or comprehensive examination of the topic in question and should not be relied upon to inform financial or other decisions or purposes

Reading and Sources:

Territorial control maps per https://deepstatemap.live/

Thanks and credit to @naalsio26 for his geolocation and tabulation of VC losses by region and to warmapper.org for their fortification mapping work

TASS confirming Lapin's appointment to the Leningrad military district

Reporting on the build-up towards the recent offensive:


Reminder of Popov's previous criticism of Russian military leadership

"The Russians simply walked in"

Ukrainian raids into Belgorod - May 2023

Ukraine Border Guard warning regarding the Sumy region

Zelensky on shell supply

Reporting on the Recent offensive

**due to late upload this list will be extended on 27/05**

00:00:00 — Opening Words
00:00:59 — What Am I Talking About?
00:02:56 — The Russian Political Context
00:14:01 — The Military Context
00:17:17 — A Quiet Front
00:19:34 — Buildup And Operations
00:32:21 — The Operation Unfolds
00:37:07 — Purpose And Value
00:44:19 — Observations - Russia
00:54:10 — Observations & Recriminations - Ukraine
01:00:56 — What Next?
01:03:04 — Channel Update

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Résumé automatique
Cette chaîne YouTube se concentre sur les affaires militaires et offre un contenu instructif sur les conflits mondiaux, les technologies militaires et les tendances géopolitiques. Les téléspectateurs peuvent en apprendre davantage sur les points chauds actuels, les menaces émergentes et les innovations transformatrices sur le champ de bataille.
An Australian covering the military industrial complex and national military investment strategy.

Since the outbreak of the conflict in Ukraine, I've been covering lessons from the conflict and how they may inform the future investment decisions that other nations may or should make. Gaming is a hobby of mine and that content is now at the channel PerunGamingAU (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPYJiiMoA0yOMHI-aiB44RQ).

It should go without saying that all views expressed by me in any of this content are simply personal opinion and nothing I say at any point should be taken as financial advice..

If you'd like to support me and have extra input into the content I create, you can find me on Patreon at:

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