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10,000RPM ITBs on the STREET - S10K First Drive

Ajouté le sam. 16 mars 2024 Auto/Moto Rectangular HD

Vidéo sponsorisée S

Eclipse Merch for SALE: https://nocapp.printify.me/products

Special thanks to Jakub, James, and Boston for many of the OEM parts we put on in this episode.

Thug Neighbor - ZISO
The Sky Within - Romeo
Letting Go - Almost Barely
Feel the Air - Ikoliks
Smile - Aves
Hypnotized - Where's Lulu
Totalitarian - Evgeny Bardyuzha
Courtyard Calamity - FableForte
Haymaker - Steven Beddall
Happier Without You - Jane & The Boy
Ocean Whistle - Donner & Tie
Drive With Me - Yarin Primak
Goals - Rex Banner
I Am Good - Alex MakeMusic
Headbanger - CustomMelody
I Owe it to You - Gidon Schocken
Dance Like Crazy - Ikoliks
Busy Day Ahead - MooveKa
Human - Rex Banner

00:00 - merch in description
00:25 - thanks for sticking with me
01:02 - let's get started
02:30 - do these headlights make me a hot boy?
03:03 - been using a light in the shop more
05:02 - i didn't edit this video btw, this one was Cam
06:06 - who else hates wiring?
06:45 - prerolled
07:30 - i'm so bad at math this took me forever
08:30 - music was a little dramatic on this segment, Cam
09:45 - can't believe this was 2022
10:45 - Josh, click here
11:05 - don't worry Josh there's more
12:00 - we don't do body work
20:02 - i forgot to keep making titles
20:35 - remember when these were funny?
22:07 - y'all see the new Dune?
22:30 - if you were wondering it rocks
23:00 - denis villeneuve does not miss
23:40 - first drive starts here
26:30 - Ray right here buddy
27:52 - i know it's out of focus, just close your eyes

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Gears and Gasoline est une chaîne YouTube dédiée à l'exploration de divers aspects de la mécanique automobile, de la fabrication et des sports motorisés. Elle aborde des sujets allant des virées routières et achats de véhicules aux modifications moteur, événements sportifs et questionnaires-débats, proposant simultanément du contenu éducatif et du divertissement.
New Videos every Saturday at 9am EST!

Gears and Gasoline is a channel focused around the modification scene in the car industry. Things relating to modifications, and the passionate people behind the cars.

Feel free to email/message us if you have any business inquiries. We're located in Central Virginia