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My Cheat Code For Playing Guitar

Ajouté le mar. 23 avril 2024 Musique Rectangular HD

Vidéo sponsorisée S

Get access to my the .wav file, stems, pdf chord chart, 4 Nebula Classes, Quarter Notes With Aimee Nolte, several pdfs and extended/bonus videos and the ENTIRE Nebula platform when you sign up for Nebula using my link (40% off an annual subscription) https://go.nebula.tv/aimeenolte

My problem of not being able to play guitar has been solved! At least it's solved in a way that makes me very happy. Hear my new song, "Emma Let's Go" and listen to the journey that I went on to be able to be my own "guitarist" by learning to play the Harpejji for this really special project! Much thanks to the folks at Marcodi for the gorgeous instrument that has really changed my musical life!!

Emma Let's Go is about 3 periods of my life. The first, when Emma (who is ten years younger than me) was growing up and I got to be there to help her navigate her early years. Being 10 years apart made it difficult to be close, but we got a great start! In 2001, we lost our 17 year old brother in a car crash (when I was 24 and Emma was 14). Then, later in life, some irreconcilable differences with a parent (who we love deep down, but just can't really have in our lives for various reasons) happened and the two of us found our way to a solution that was best for all of us.

Much thanks to Aiden for making the split screen music video!
Video recorded using:
Earthworks SV33 vocal condenser mic
Earthworks PM40 piano mic

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Cette chaîne YouTube tourne autour de l'exploration de divers aspects de la théorie musicale et de la performance, s'adressant aux pianistes, instrumentistes, chanteurs, compositeurs et mélomanes. Grâce à des analyses approfondies, des sessions en direct, des interviews et des défis stimulants, la plateforme révèle des connexions cachées, favorise la compréhension des concepts essentiels, encourage l'innovation et cultive la curiosité chez les auditeurs et les créateurs désireux d'élargir leurs horizons musicaux.
Los Angeles-based jazz piano player and singer