
Our Curses Will Transfer to our Enemies

Ajouté le sam. 15 juin 2024 Divertissement Rectangular HD

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Leviticus 26:37

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This ministry is here to show you how to, be not ignorant of Satan's devices, but realize that, The weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty through Yah to the pulling down of strong holds. Most strong holds actually get a grip on our minds, influence our thoughts, and control our actions. We must bring into captivity every thought into obedience of our creator. If we don't conform to this world but be transformed by the renewing of our minds, whatsoever we bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, & whatsoever we loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. It's at that point that we will leave the valley, rise above the mountains & soar like eagles.

As long as we remain in the valley, we will remain vulnerable. In the valley, we are consumed by the cares of this life, & thus cannot comprehend what it means to rise above the mountain top. This Ministry was started by Eric Banks a.k.a. Watchman and his wife, who report on biblical and relevant end times prophecies.