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Ajouté le mar. 12 déc. 2023 Sport Rectangular HD

Théo de Blic's tutorials is a free web serie where I give a few usefull tips on various aspect of paragliding. The tips I give are coming from an already long career as a professional pilot in acro paragliding.

More than 10 years ago I published a full stall tutorial, but in 10 years our equipment as well as my knowledge have evolved and I felt that it was time to make an update on the stall tutorial as it was not the best nor the safest way to learn stall anymore. So here is what I believe the best way to learn full stall in 2023 and with nowadays wing. This is how I teach stall to my student.
Are you afraid to try by yourself?
If yes come to learn with us at Rise Paragliding, we will give you the opportunity to learn all of this and more under the best instruction available.


For your information : The current range of paragliding wing from EN A to CCCs are better stalled with a 2 stage stall technique. However even old school wing work very well with the 2 stage technique as well!

Pilot : Théo de BLIC
Wing : Mentor 7 Light

00:00 Introduction
00:55 Why 2 Stage Stall
02:01 How to 2 stage stall
05:01 Master the back fly
09:38 Quicker stalls & Improved exits
12:46 Become Stalling expert
13:47 Basic mistakes
17:28 Conclusion

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Résumé automatique
La chaîne se concentre principalement sur les tutoriels, les critiques et les expériences de parapente présentés par Théo de Blic et ses collaborateurs. Les sujets couvrent différents niveaux de compétences, des techniques débutantes aux figures acrobatiques avancées. Les guides instructifs introduisent des concepts fondamentaux, des approches innovantes et des considérations de sécurité pour garantir un contenu éclairé et engageant.
5 times world cup champion, entrepreneur, professional paragliding pilot and content creator.