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Lethal Exports: Drug smugglers use canals to move meth around Fiji

Ajouté le mer. 24 janv. 2024 People et blogs Rectangular HD

Kalesi Volatabu, the founder of Drug-Free World Fiji, shows one of the canals used by drug smugglers in Suva, Fiji. According to Volatabu, Fijian Police and transnational crime experts, the methamphetamine that’s ravaging locals here is being shipped from places like Canada, the U.S. and Southeast Asia to lucrative markets in New Zealand and Australia. Read more in Part 3 of crime reporter Kim Bolan's Lethal Exports series here: https://vancouversun.com/feature/lethal-exports-how-bc-gangsters-ruining-tropical-paradise

You can now read Kim Bolan's entire Lethal Exports series, starting with Part 1, "B.C. gangsters at the centre of a global drug trade," here:


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