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80/10/10 Pro Fitness Model Erin Moubray Interview: I got my Pro Card on 80/10/10! (Part 1)

Ajouté le sam. 26 nov. 2011 Éducation Rectangular SD


80/10/10 Interview with Pro Fitness Model, Erin Moubray. Erin discusses how adopting the 80/10/10 diet helped her earn her Pro Card in Fitness Modeling.

Erin was interviewed by Kevin Rogers.

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Home of The 80/10/10 Diet, and Dr. Doug Graham, where you'll find 80/10/10 raw vegan lifestyle tips, raw vegan recipes, interviews, fitness inspiration, and more.

Dr. Graham has been eating a raw vegan diet for over 30 years and has authored numerous books on health, nutrition, and fitness, including The 80/10/10 Diet, Grain Damage, Nutrition and Athletic Performance, The High Energy Diet Recipe Guide, and Prevention and Care of Athletic Injuries.