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Can America Avoid a Marxist Dictatorship?

Ajouté le mer. 29 mars 2023 Actualités et politique Rectangular HD

David Stockman, Michael Oliver & Ewan Webster. From a monetary point of view, the Federal Reserve is at the crossroads of a potential disaster. According to Danielle DiMartino Booth, either Fed Chairman Powell sticks to a tight monetary policy or the Unites States faces hyperinflation, the loss of what is left of capitalism, and a loss of owning the world's reserve currency. We will get David and Michael's views on the prospects for the Fed sticking to its current strategy and what will happen if it doesn't. Ewan will talk about an evolving multi-million ounce gold deposit at Thesis Gold, in B.C.

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Jay Taylor gives his economic views, interviews mining companies and talks about why gold and precious metals are important to own and hold as investments.