
The real, actual reason that the Mona Lisa has that smile. - StoryBrain

Ajouté le mar. 30 janv. 2024 Éducation Rectangular HD

Happy 2024 everybody! For a very long time, people have pondered the Mona Lisa's facial expression. Let's bring the channel back by first revealing the real, genuine reason that the Mona Lisa has a half-smile on her face, and then discussing a bit about why we feel such a strong attraction to her face, as part of the painting in general.

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After the '08 Writer's Strike in Hollywood, I was hired to help an agency clear out their backlog of material. I ended up spending years analyzing every type of story and found a lot of odd things that I haven't seen elsewhere. Many of which are key to why books or movies, and the people who make them, succeed or fail.

So I started this channel to talk about these ideas, and try to help us understand entertainment and succeed at making it. Watch the vids, and share them to help the battle!

If you want to contact me, send me a message on FB at Facebook.com/EverythingStoryChannel. Or Tweet me @StoryBrain1. Thanks!