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Rosalind's Newest Children's Book, Mabel and the Label, http://bit.ly/1fufwZ0

To contact Rosalind Graham for an interview or to request an article please write to publications@foodnsport.com

Professor Rosalind Graham holds a professorship in Applied Nutrition and Health Science. Her work includes the role of Lecturer at Middlesex University in London. She is well known as a Course Director and Assessor of exercise teacher training within the fitness industry, including specializing in the needs of the elderly and other special needs groups.

Professor Rosalind is renowned for her exuberance, humor and energy, and is a regular presenter at many international conventions such as The World Vegetarian Congress, The Exercise Association of England, The North American Vegetarian Society and Fitness Professionals UK.

As the author of various articles and books, including writing for The Readers Digest, The Hygienist and National Exercise Association Journal, along with presenting on radio and international television, Professor Graham was at the forefront of Natural Health and Fitness education.

She now resides in England with her husband, Dr. Douglas Graham and daughter, Faychesca, where she enjoys gardening, homeschooling, tending to animals, and writing children's books with a moral.

To contact Rosalind Graham, email publications@foodnsport.com

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Home of The 80/10/10 Diet, and Dr. Doug Graham, where you'll find 80/10/10 raw vegan lifestyle tips, raw vegan recipes, interviews, fitness inspiration, and more.

Dr. Graham has been eating a raw vegan diet for over 30 years and has authored numerous books on health, nutrition, and fitness, including The 80/10/10 Diet, Grain Damage, Nutrition and Athletic Performance, The High Energy Diet Recipe Guide, and Prevention and Care of Athletic Injuries.