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Giving Birth to my 5th Child (Unedited Raw Footage)

Ajouté le mer. 15 févr. 2023 Éducation Rectangular HD

When I was pregnant with my first baby I had no idea what to expect when giving birth. I wish I had someone to walk me through how long labor could potentially be, the interventions that are used, and what my options were. So l decided to document and share my entire birthing experience from start to finish. I begin recording as my first serious contractions took place.

Since I have been induced for most of my births I didn’t know what contractions would feel like when occuring naturally. I was worried I wouldnt be able to tell the difference between Braxton Hicks and real labor contractions.

I had been experiencing Braxton Hicks for several weeks at this point, but on this day the contractions were different. They were stronger and I could feel my whole uterus contracting, rather than just a localized area. They became stronger and I began breathing heavier. That's when I knew the contractions needed to be timed.

They say you know it's time to leave for the hospital when your contractions are happening at least every 5 minutes, last for one minute each, and have been happening consistently for 1 hour. It's called the 5-1-1 rule.

I birth big babies, I am talking over 10 lbs, and never once was a c-section mentioned to me just because of their size. I have had an epidural for all my births so for baby number 5 I really wanted to try to have an unmediated birth.

Unfortunately I didn't make it. I was close, but I knew I would lack the strength to push if I continued to suffer and fight the pain.

I have actually enjoyed my epidural births! They allowed me to relax and be more present for the experience. Being able to relax is key too. Each time I tried to birth unmedicated labor wouldn't progress.

Please note, this is just my personal experience. Everyone is going to have a different birth story 🤗❤️

#pregnancy #birthvlog #birthstory #hospitalbag #pregnancytips #momtobe #newmomtips #hospitalbirth #newparents #pregnancyhealth

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La chaîne YouTube tourne autour de la maternité et des expériences parentales, se concentrant principalement sur l'éducation de cinq enfants. La créatrice partage des histoires personnelles, des conseils pratiques, des routines et des idées liées à la grossesse, à l'accouchement, aux soins aux nouveau-nés et à la gestion d'une famille nombreuse. Un public peut s'attendre à des perspectives sincères sur les défis de la parentalité, des réflexions émotionnelles et des suggestions concrètes ayant pour but d'aider et de soutenir d'autres parents ou mères en attente.
Sometimes you just want to hear it from another mom who has been there & is in the thick of it with you. That's what I'm here for!

I am Chrissy Horton, mom of 5, and I am here to candidly talk about all the things no one seems to talk about regarding pregnancy, postpartum, birth, and motherhood.