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My new Airplane... Again!

Ajouté le sam. 20 juil. 2024 People et blogs Rectangular HD

Vidéo sponsorisée S

Sharing #STOL Flying with my family was an amazing experience.
This trip culminated in what we're calling the "STOL Gym" where I was training with Former Thunderbird F16 pilot Trevor "Dozen" Aldridge chasing me in the Super Patriot mk I while I was flying the new mk II.
Watch for multiple episodes coming over the next few months!

Huge thanks to Patriot Aircraft for hosting us - I had my family on this trip and we stayed at a cabin that I was able to taxi the plane right up to!

If you're going to be at AirVenture , stop by the IAC base for a fist bump and some Flight Chops swag, and if you're at AirVenture Wednesday, my talk is at 1pm.
- And the newly painted Super Patriot mkII will be near Hangar B

And I'll be at Bose demoing headsets on Wednesday from 1530 to 1630

Shout out to SiriusXM Aviation - having access to weather data while flying is a game changer!
The current rebate is worth $400!

#Flying Content like this wouldn't be sustainable without the involvement of Patrons.
I want to thank all of you for your ongoing support!
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I am a "weekend warrior" private pilot, I fly for fun with no intentions of going commercial. I have had my PPL for over 20 years, but still consider each flight a learning experience - I generally take detailed notes after each flight to remind myself what went well or what I could do to improve.... Having GoPro cameras to record flights like this is invaluable. I find these self analysis videos very helpful in my constant quest to improve, and am happy to share. Feedback is invited; however, please keep it positive.

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Résumé automatique
Cette chaîne YouTube se concentre sur les récits d'aviation, abordant une large gamme de sujets liés au vol, à la personnalisation des aéronefs et aux expériences personnelles. Présentant un mélange de discussions instructives, d'entretiens et de comptes rendus de première main, les vidéos s'adressent aussi bien aux passionnés qu'aux professionnels.
Virtual "ride-along" flying videos; with multi-camera angles POV + panel, radio intercom audio.
I'm a private pilot, doing my best to stay current and learn.

My videos are for self analysis; I'm striving to learn and improve as a pilot.
I'm happy to share my experiences, and appreciate any and all positive feedback!