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Coffee with MarkZ and Mr. Cottrell. 08/23/2024

Ajouté le ven. 23 août 2024 Divertissement Rectangular HD

Iraqi business, supporting its value, RFK bombshell, and Jack Daniel's blinks first. Joined by thecbdgurus for some fun at the end.

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Here on our stream we will cover all sorts of topics from the highly anticipated Global Currency Reset, Crypto Currencies, The politics of the world economy, Cannabis legalization, Nutrition, UFO's, and even the assorted conspiracy theory or two. We have people from over 22 countries that join us 5 days a week. We stream live Monday thru Friday mornings at 10 am EDT and occasionally other times for special events. Our goal is to inform and entertain on a number of varied topics. Join our community as we jump down the rabbit hole of a world gone mad! Crypto donations always appreciated
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