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IT'S A BIG DAMN DEAL! | Verdict Ep. 206

Ajouté le mar. 27 août 2024 Actualités et politique Rectangular HD

On this episode of "Verdict with Ted Cruz" - RFK Jr. dropped out of the race and endorsed Donald Trump as the left scrambles to downplay the significance of this move. Don't miss this explosive episode of Verdict with Ted Cruz.
Click the subscribe button above to make sure you don’t miss a single video from Verdict with Ted Cruz. Join Senator Ted Cruz and co-host Ben Ferguson as they break down the most important news stories of the day and reveal what they mean for you. On "Verdict with Ted Cruz," you will go behind the scenes of the political debates that define our country.
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Résumé automatique
Verdict with Ted Cruz est un podcast consacré à l'exploration des affaires courantes, événements politiques et questions sociales touchant les États-Unis. Présentant des analyses équilibrées, des entretiens et des commentaires, l'émission invite des invités issus de domaines variés, favorisant des dialogues significatifs pour aider les auditeurs à mieux comprendre et naviguer dans l'Amérique moderne.
Join Senator Ted Cruz and co-host Ben Ferguson as they break down the most important news stories of the day and reveal what they mean for you. On Verdict with Ted Cruz, you will go behind the scenes of the political debates that define our country.

Verdict with Ted Cruz is being brought to you by Jobs, Freedom, and Security PAC, a political action committee dedicated to supporting conservative causes, organizations, and candidates across the country. In 2022, Jobs, Freedom, and Security PAC plans to donate to conservative candidates running for Congress and help the Republican Party across the nation.