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Ajouté le ven. 29 mars 2024 Voyages et évenements Rectangular HD

Hi guys, today we are taking you on Part 2 of our Tokyo adventure, and it's packed with more unique experiences and sights in one of the world's most bustling metropolises!

Our journey began in the crowded veins of Tokyo's metro, where the sheer volume of people is an experience in itself. We navigated to Tokyo's business district, sharing fun facts about Japan's royal family, its innovative earthquake preparedness, and more as we walked and talked our way to our first destination.

The serene Meiji Shrine was our oasis in the city, offering peaceful gardens and a glimpse into Tokyo's spiritual side. But even adventurers like us sometimes crave a taste of the familiar, so we enjoyed some delicious ice cream at an unexpected spot—IKEA!

Next, we dove into the vibrant heart of Tokyo's youth culture on Takeshita Street. An explosion of colors, smells, and sounds greeted us, offering an immersive experience of the latest trends.

Grocery shopping in Japan proved to be an adventure of its own, with stores packed with unique finds that you wouldn't see anywhere else in the world. And speaking of unique, Tokyo's fashion scene did not disappoint, showcasing bold statements at every turn.

In a twist, our coffee break featured a robotic barista, adding a futuristic touch to our caffeine fix. We also visited the famous Shibuya Crossing, ascended to the top of the Shibuya Sky Tower and paid our respects at the Hachikō Memorial Statue, a touching tribute to loyalty and friendship.

Our day wouldn't be complete without another dizzying Metro ride, leading us to Shinjuku to explore the enchanting back alleys of Tokyo, once exclusive and now welcoming visitors with open arms into tiny bars and restaurants.

We're grateful for the experiences shared and the memories made. Our guide was incredible, and as we parted ways, we closed another chapter in our Tokyo story.

Join us on this vibrant journey through Tokyo by watching the video, and don't forget to hit like, share, and subscribe for more adventures from around the globe. Have you visited Tokyo or experienced something similar? Share your stories in the comments below! 🌍✨

1:04 Super Crowded Tokyo Metro
1:20 How Japan Deals With Earthquakes
2:26 Japan Fun Facts
3:55 Meiji Shrine Inner Garden
5:07 Blessings from the Meiji Shrine
6:09 We Couldn’t Resist IKEA in Japan
6:45 All the Surprises of Takeshita Street
8:17 7-Eleven in Japan is an Experience
9:37 Crazy Fashion in Tokyo Japan
2:16 Feeling Hip at Cat Street in Tokyo
13:11 Robot Coffee Shop in Tokyo
15:11 Massive Shibuya Crossing in Tokyo
16:24 Hachikō Memorial Statue
16:39 Up the Shibuya Sky Tower in Tokyo
9:01 Another Crazy Metro Ride in Tokyo
20:17 Exploring the Alleys of Tokyo in Shinjuku
23:55 Saying Goodbye to Our Guide

Enjoy the Video!

#Tokyo #Japan #Takeshita

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Résumé automatique
Cette chaîne YouTube relate les aventures d'une famille se rendant dans 197 pays, se concentrant sur la découverte culturelle, l'apprentissage expérientiel et l'implication dans des communautés diverses. Les destinations récentes incluent l'Asie (Singapour, Malaisie, Thaïlande, Pakistan), le Moyen-Orient (Syrie, Irak, Liban) et l'Europe (Corée du Sud). Attendez-vous à des récits immersifs, des images époustouflantes et des aperçus des connexions mondiales.
We're a Canadian/Swiss family traveling to every country in the world! 136 Completed.

What started as a five-week holiday in April 2013 has turned into a worldwide odyssey of adventure and discovery of 130 countries! Along the way, we have gained a lot of insight into living and working in multiple countries with our 3 girls.

We've decided to start giving back and sharing our appreciation for what we've learned with the creation of this Youtube channel. We share weekly travel videos filled with travel advice and recommendations for each city we visit.

Learn more at https://www.GrowingUpWithoutBorders.com