
Are Garlic and Spices Health Foods?

Ajouté le sam. 24 mai 2014 Éducation Rectangular HD

Dr. Graham explains how he uses garlic and spices. He also describes perspectives on how to determine what foods are fit for human consumption.

Visit http://foodnsport.com for the FREE 80/10/10 Quick Start Guide, including recipes.

What do you get with The 80/10/10 Diet?
-peak performance for any athlete
-perfect weight no matter what your body type
-off-the-charts wellness
-success with a low-fat vegan raw food diet
-simplicity in your lifestyle
-a healthy relationship with your food
-and enviable vitality


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Home of The 80/10/10 Diet, and Dr. Doug Graham, where you'll find 80/10/10 raw vegan lifestyle tips, raw vegan recipes, interviews, fitness inspiration, and more.

Dr. Graham has been eating a raw vegan diet for over 30 years and has authored numerous books on health, nutrition, and fitness, including The 80/10/10 Diet, Grain Damage, Nutrition and Athletic Performance, The High Energy Diet Recipe Guide, and Prevention and Care of Athletic Injuries.