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Exploring Pennsylvania's Abandoned Highway

Ajouté le mar. 17 juil. 2018 People et blogs Rectangular HD

Pennsylvania abandoned turnpike was created by a massive 13 miles rerouting in 1968 due to congestion.

These tunnels where originally built for the South Pennsylvania Railroad in the late 1800s but were never actually used until 1940 when The Pennsylvania Turnpike opened. By the elate 1950's the turnpike was heavily used and these relatively skinny tunnels were creating lots of congestion due to the bottle necking from two lanes each way into one through the tunnels. 1968 was the last year these tunnels and stretch of highway were used and they have been sitting in the woods ever since.

Check out Jays channel https://youtube.com/Journey_with_jay

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Partez en voyage immersif avec Jamison Lamb, qui explore des lieux oubliés, négligés ou cachés imprégnés de mystère, de tragédie et d'expériences humaines. Avec un sens aiguisé des histoires captivantes, Jamison invite les spectateurs à réfléchir sur des moments historiques importants, des défis sociaux, des crimes irrésolus et des folklore sinistres, éclairant souvent des sujets mal compris. Les récits engageants couvrent une variété de thèmes, des âmes perdues, l'infrastructure en décomposition et les phénomènes naturels aux aspects moins connus de la culture pop, des figures éminentes et des crises nationales.
Follow me on my journey exploring oddities, abandoned places, movie locations, and beautiful scenic views. All my videos are categorized by U.S state and by country on my website. Themobileinstinct.com

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