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⚽🐺 FM17 - 500 Years into the future - Football Manager 2017 What If Experiment

Ajouté le mar. 2 mai 2017 Jeux vidéo Rectangular HD

Welcome to my new FM17 what if experiment. 500 years into the future, we take a look at whats been happening in the world of football manager 2017 over the course of 500 years later. if you want to check out your team or even play the save yourself you can download it here - http://www.mediafire.com/file/1ksockfzh7k6lj4/YT_-_Future_500_years.fm
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Résumé automatique
La série FM24 Journeyman - C3 EP1 à EP51 est une chronique YouTube qui suit les progrès d'une équipe de football (soccer) fictive, Aldosivi, participant au Primera Division d'Argentine dans la simulation Football Manager 2024. Le créateur assume le rôle de manager de l'équipe, partageant ses expériences, ses stratégies, les points forts et les défis rencontrés au fil des saisons.
Home of the best* Football Manager 2024 content on Youtube and Twitch (according to my dog) and home of the famous Journeyman series plus many other popular saves and experiments. FM24 will be the biggest year yet with more saves, experiments, guides, tutorials and lots of silly stuff. I will also be playing a few other games if they interest me.

Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/LokiDoki
Twitter - https://twitter.com/LokiDokigg
Twitch - https://www.twitch.tv/loki_doki_gg

*according to my wife