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People Are Abandoning These 5 States in RECORD NUMBERS! Mass Exodus Is Happening Now!

Ajouté le dim. 7 janv. 2018 People et blogs Rectangular HD

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These are the states that people are abandoning in record numbers. We are watching the mass exodus from these states.


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David Quintieri, author of The Money GPS book series, is here on the most active, most informative channel in the financial world. Day after day, breaking down the data and making it easy to understand.

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Truth in the age of disinformation, so you can thrive and prosper.

The Money GPS has been featured in Bloomberg, MarketWatch, Business Insider.

The Money GPS is known for the investment strategy, Money Mirror Method, which compares the total liquidity in the financial system to the stock market index. Money Mirror Method has a perfect track record since 2009.

The Money GPS simply offers an alternative to the mainstream view. A simple approach to investing and preparation which are known as The Pillars of Prosperity.

Former ABC and CNN correspondent, Greg Hunter, referred to the book, The Money GPS as "How to survive this historical financial calamity for dummies."