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Offloading Trash From Interceptor 007 in LA County, USA. 🇺🇸 #shorts

Ajouté le lun. 25 mars 2024 People et blogs Rectangular HD

This was one of the latest offloads of the Interceptor, bringing its total catch to 103,871 kg (229,000 lbs) to date.

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The Ocean Cleanup's mission is to develop and scale technologies to rid the oceans of plastic.

Every year, millions of tons of plastic enter the oceans primarily from rivers. The plastic afloat across the oceans – legacy plastic – isn’t going away by itself. Therefore, solving ocean plastic pollution requires a combination of stemming the inflow and cleaning up what has already accumulated.

The Ocean Cleanup is developing cleanup systems to clean up what is already polluting our oceans and to intercept plastic on its way to the ocean via rivers. When we have achieved our goal of a 90% reduction in ocean plastic, our project is finished and our work will be done.

Subscribe to our channel to follow the largest cleanup in history.


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