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Dr. Paul Mason - 'Junk science trashes low carb - a response'

Ajouté le mar. 10 sept. 2024 Science et technologie Rectangular HD

Dr Paul Mason obtained his medical degree with honours from the University of Sydney, and also holds degrees in Physiotherapy and Occupational Health. He is a Specialist Sports Medicine and Exercise Physician.

Dr Mason developed an interest in low carbohydrate diets in 2011. Since then he has spent hundreds of hours reading and analysing the scientific literature. For a number of years Dr. Mason has been applying this knowledge in treating metabolic and arthritis patients who have achieved dramatic and sustained weight loss and reductions in joint pain.

Dr. Mason is also the Chief Medical Officer of Defeat Diabetes, Australia's first evidence-based and doctor-led program that focuses on the wide range of health benefits of a low carb lifestyle, particularly for those wanting to send into remission pre-diabetes, type 2 diabetes, and other metabolic illnesses.

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Low Carb Down Under LCDU www.lowcarbdownunder.com.au Dr. Paul Mason LCHF Low carb causes diabetes Junk science Carbohydrate restriction


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Low Carb Down Under is about bringing together people with an interest in low carbohydrate nutrition.