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Why You’re Always Distracted - 5 Mistakes Ruining Your Focus

Ajouté le mar. 19 mars 2024 Éducation Rectangular HD

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How to improve focus is one of the questions I get asked most about. Whether you're a student, creator, professional or entrepreneur, being able to focus is extremely helpful. This video is the first in a 3 part series about focus, where we're covering the 5 main mistakes that people make. Let me know what you find useful in the comments! Enjoy x

- Sign up to my free 7 day focus crash course here: https://go.aliabdaal.com/focusvid1
- Nir Eyal's book Indistractable: https://geni.us/j4Mbn
- I'm launching a productivity community, join the waitlist here: https://waitlist.productivity.club/?utm_campaign=Productivity%20Lab%20Waitlist&utm_source=youtube&utm_medium=social&utm_term=Long&utm_content=Why%20You%27re%20Always%20Distracted%20%28Focus%20Series%201%29
- Check out my New York Times Bestselling book Feel-Good Productivity: https://go.feelgoodproductivity.com/focusvid1
- If you've read the book, share your thoughts here: https://aliabdaal.com/fgp-rating/
- Shortform - My favourite place for book summaries (Get a free trial and 20% off your subscription!) - https://go.aliabdaal.com/shortform

By the way, you can watch this video in a few other languages by changing the audio settings xx

How to Stop Wasting Your Life: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OgBF3N3MhYw
How to Make 2024 Your Best Year: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c_DOG_mXz5w
How to Be Effortlessly Disciplined - 5 Mindsets: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zz59q8wHECk
I Read 107 Productivity Books. Here's What Works: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=poc4ctbnDYA

📈 If you want to start or grow a YouTube channel: https://go.aliabdaal.com/exp
💌 Free Weekly Productivity Insights: https://www.aliabdaal.com/sunday

⏰ Rize - How I track my time and stay productive - https://rize.io/aliabdaal
📩 Superhuman - My favourite email app - https://go.aliabdaal.com/superhuman
📚 Readwise - How I remember everything I read - https://go.aliabdaal.com/readwise
🎵 Epidemic Sound - Music & SFX in my videos - https://go.aliabdaal.com/epidemicsound
⚙️ Notion - How I manage my life and business - https://go.aliabdaal.com/notion
💰Trading212 - How I invest my money - https://www.trading212.com/promocodes/ALI

🎙 My podcast Deep Dive - https://www.youtube.com/c/DeepDivewithAliAbdaal/
🌍 My website / blog - https://www.aliabdaal.com/
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🎥 Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/aliabdaal/

If we haven’t yet before - Hey 👋 I’m Ali, a doctor-turned-entrepreneur and I’ve somehow become the world’s most followed productivity expert. Through my videos here on this channel, my podcast Deep Dive and writing, I share evidence-based strategies and tools to help you be more productive and build a life you love.

PS: Some of the links in this description are affiliate links that I get a kickback from 😜

0:00 - Introduction
1:21 - Mistake 1 - Not Having a Plan
5:13 - Mistake 2 - Ignoring How You Feel
9:14 - Mistake 3 - You’re Switching Between Too Many Tasks
11:42 - Mistake 4 - You’re Not Taking Breaks
14:26 - Mistake 5 - You’re Not Hitting the Golden Trio

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Ali Abdaal Ali abdal time management skills how to manage time time management for students how to manage your time how to stop procrastinating time management techniques how i manage time time management for high school students focus focus for studens how to focus as a student how to stay focused how to stay focused while studying how to stay focused as a student student focus tips evidence based focus tips study tips focus tip how to focus better


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Résumé automatique
Bienvenue sur cette chaîne YouTube dédiée à l'optimisation de la productivité, de la croissance personnelle et des capacités de prise de décision. Par le biais de discussions soigneusement élaborées, d'interviews et de tutoriels, explorez des stratégies conçues pour augmenter l'efficience quotidienne, relever les défis et développer les aptitudes nécessaires à la vie moderne. Ouvrez vos horizons, saisissez les opportunités et embarquez dans un voyage transformatif.
Check out my New York Times bestselling book Feel-Good Productivity! 📚


Hey, I'm Ali, a doctor turned entrepreneur, and the world’s most followed productivity expert 😜

On this channel, we explore evidence-based strategies and tools that can help us be more productive, and build a life that we love.

If that sounds interesting, consider subscribing! See you in the next video x