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Jimmy Neutron's New Fan REBOOT is Amazing

Ajouté le jeu. 4 avril 2024 Divertissement Rectangular HD

The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius just got a new animation from artists who work at Disney TVA! While this Jimmy Neutron reboot doesn't come from Nickelodeon themselves, it could work as a starting point for an actual show in the future. Will Jimmy Neutron ever come back in the same way that Rugrats, Dora the Explorer, and Blue's Clues have?

SOURCES: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l2bQSkTLcsY

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My videos are produced with the editor Camtasia Studio 2023 and I use a Blue Yeti Microphone to record. All scripts are written by me. Any footage used is from various TV shows, movies, and games to illustrate my personal thoughts on these pieces of media. All stock photos and images are either created by me or are sourced from publicly viewable image websites. This criticism, comment, or news reporting falls under Fair Use (The Copyright Act of 1976, Section 107). If you are interested in viewing full cartoon episodes/movies or playing entire video games, please buy the DVDs and games from the media companies providing them. Also, the intro song featured in my videos is Finding Hope - Wonder.

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Cette chaîne YouTube couvre principalement les actualités de l'animation, abordant divers sujets tels que les sorties de films, les conceptions de personnages, les studios d'animation et les événements connexes. Elle s'adresse aux passionnés de l'animation, offrant des informations utiles et des mises à jour.
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