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► The Alcott | Jess and Rory

Ajouté le dim. 28 janv. 2024 Films et Animations Rectangular HD

Hello everyone!

Happy belated new year!

I hope you all had an amazing start of 2024!

I had a very busy beginning of the year, work was stressful to say the least and I barely had time to sit down and edit. Also, being so busy and in front of the computer all day left me with no inspiration whatsoever to edit anything. While going through old projects and rewatching Sara's midgelenny the alcott video, I remembered this one. For a second I thought about turning it into a daisybilly video but the idea of jess and rory to this song won me over (it is sooo perfect for them!). Also, I had been meaning to edit an au of how they end up together (because they do, I will not be hearing alternatives to that ending thank you very much) for a year or so, the manips just weren't coming to me. But when I sat down to edit this one, they came and oh boy I am proud of them. I love how this one turned out, I am forever thanful for the marauders fandom for teaching me how to create manips because now I can use all that knowledge into creating this aka my most favorite otp ever finally getting the endgame they deserve.

Anyway, I hope you all enjoy this one!

Thanks for watching!

► coloring by LaurenMichelle

#fanvidfeed #literati #gilmoregirls

I do not own anything but the edition of this video.

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♦ 26 - Birthday: March 25th.

♦ Buenos Aires, Argentina

♦ she/her