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We Are The Ones song by will.i.am - Obama

Ajouté le ven. 29 févr. 2008 Actualités et politique Rectangular SD

"We Are The Ones" feauturing the opinions of celebrities like Jessica Alba, Ryan Phillippe, Regina King, Kerry Washington,
John Leguizamo and Tyrese.
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people say Obama's words are just words...
when was the last time "words" weren't important...???...

when was the last time a great leader didn't use words to lead...??...
when was the last time a person didn't use words to describe how they felt...?...
when was the last time "words" weren't empowering...?...

and we can all recall the last time "words" were used to divide us and install fear...

Bush used words to fear us into voting for him the second time around...
terror this...
terror that...
nuclear here...
weapons of mass destruction there...

and those words effected a lot of people's choices...

"enough is enough"...
let's rebuild...

let's change ourselves...
let's allow positivity to guide us...

let's take action....
let's activate our passion...
we are Americans....

and this is the first time in forever that someone running for president represents "US"...

some say this is all excitement...
I call it "proud to be an American"...

some say this whole Obama movement is "cult like"...
if it comes across cult like...
the cult is called America...

the Obama movement is connecting America.
and it has made "US" realize our importance...
the youth is excited and activated...
adults are passionate and motivated...
the elderly are proud to know the country they built is in safe hands...

we are one...

for too long politics has been corrupt...
separate from the American people...
with agendas that go against what the American people "need"...

politicians have spoken a different language...
making it so the youth and poor people feel as if voting was only for the wealthy and old people...
making "US" feel as if "we" had no voice...
making "US" feel powerless...
making it feel like if "we" did vote it wouldn't change anything...

but wait...
that did happen...
some of us voted, and it didn't change anything...

we were in the dark...
we had no voice...
we were powerless...

because America was not a united America...
and "they" spoke a different language...
and they had an agenda different from our well being...

correct me if I'm wrong... or speak up if I'm missing something...

we want education, health, safety, and good jobs...right???...
oh yeah...
and "a healthy planet to live on"...

but here we are...

in a war... poor education... poor health programs... the dollar is down... the planet, polluted...
the rich, richer... and the poor, struggling...
with sky high gas prices to top it all off...

and now even the rich aren't really rich internationally because our dollar is has fallen so far down...

in our slumber... a very small few got really rich...

because when you're sleeping...

"it's hard to change agendas"...

we know what happened in 2000 and 2004...
but in 2008...
it's different...

we are awake...
and there is a movement...

and "it's hard to change a movement"...

last time "we" didn't have a movement...
America wasn't united...

and now "United and "Standing"...for something...
we know the power of "US"...
and we have a person who represents the "U.S."...


"we are the ones we've been waiting for"...

I'm proud to be an American...


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America politics Obama President Of The United States (Ontology Class) President Obama Barack Obama Barack celebrities United States Of America (Country) We Are The Ones (Composition) Jessica Alba Ryan Phillippe Regina King Kerry Washington John Leguizamo Tyrese will.i.am illwilly The Black Eyed Peas hip hop William Will I Am Black Eyed Peas BEP B E P rap pop pop music hip hop music music i.am musician music producer dj disk jockey democrat liberal


Musique (topic parent) Musique Pop Musique Soul


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Résumé automatique
Avec la participation de Will.i.am, chanteur, rappeur et artiste multi-talentueux, cette chaîne YouTube met en avant une collection diversifiée de créations musicales, collaborations et productions visuelles créatives. En tant que chef de file du populaire groupe Black Eyed Peas et artiste solo, Will.i.am partage des compositions originales, des pièces engagées politiquement et des apparitions mémorables avec des stars internationales. Les spectateurs peuvent profiter de performances électrifiantes, d'interviews stimulantes et de discussions socialement pertinentes, permettant aux téléspectateurs de s'immerger dans un large spectre de musique moderne et de conversations culturelles.
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will.i.am, born William Adams, is a Grammy Award winning musician, producer, fashion designer, technological guru, activist and philanthropist. Known for his work with The Black Eyed Peas, who have sold 31 million albums and 58 million singles worldwide, he also works with some of the industry's biggest names including Michael Jackson, Rihanna, Usher, Nicki Minaj, Britney Spears, David Guetta, and film composer Hans Zimmer.