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Former Soviet Citizen Confronts Socialists at Occupy Wall Street (Part 3)

Ajouté le lun. 7 nov. 2011 Actualités et politique Rectangular SD

My 2 cents on Socialism, Communism and Capitalism.
1. There have never existed Socialist or Communist countries.
2. Countries that do use these words in the names of the countries or claim to have such system are ALL in reality Totalitarian Dictatorships.
3. There remain only 2 such countries today: North Korea and Cuba. The list used to include USSR, China, Vietnam, Poland, DDR, Czechoslovakia, Albania, Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary, Cambodia, Laos, Mozambique, Angola and many more countries.
4. The best political litmus test to see what category the country belongs to is to see if its citizens can leave it freely: if you get a bullet in the back of your head trying (like crossing the Berlin Wall), it's a Totalitarian Dictatorship a.k.a. "Socialist" or "Communist".
5. Does capitalism fail in some countries? Yes! In what countries? Where the private property and intellectual property laws are lax and corruption is high.
6. Please check where your country belongs based on any of the 2 indexes that use different criteria: International Property Tax Index: http://www.internationalpropertyrightsindex.org/ranking (top 3 in it are Finland, Sweden and Switzerland and the last 3 are Venezuela, Libya , Yemen but it excludes Cuba, North Korea) or Heritage Foundation's Index of Economic Freedoms: http://www.heritage.org/index/ranking (top 3 here are Hong Kong, Singapore and Australia and the last 3 are Cuba, Zimbabwe and North Korea.)
7. So please, don't do disservice to the Scandinavian countries by calling them "Socialist"...
You can learn all you need to know about the "socialized" medicine in USSR here:

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