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GOLD: Richest square mile on Earth, with more than 1,000 veins and lodes in just a small area

Ajouté le sam. 27 juil. 2024 Vie pratique et style Rectangular HD

I want to tell you the story of the richest square mile on Earth. A place where more than 1,000 veins and lodes are found in just a small area – many of which yielded super rich gold ores.
This video is sponsored by High Plains Prospecting, a mail order prospecting supply shop that I am partnering with. See: https://highplainsprospectors.com/?ref=CHRISRALPH
My discount code for you to get 5% off at High Plains Prospecting is CHRISRALPH
The placer deposits on the surface were amazingly rich as well. How did so much gold get concentrated into so small an area? In this video we will dig in and find out. Rich gold deposits are what we seek as prospectors, so let’s take a closer look at this super rich gold district. In June of 1893, some Irish prospectors headed into the outback chasing rumors of a gold find north-east of Coolgardie in Western Australia. Within a few days the trio found abundant alluvial deposits and within a week they had collected an estimated 100oz of gold. When local prospectors heard that more than 100 ounces of gold had been found in just a few days, it sparked a veritable riot. A week later, more than 1,400 men were working the new gold field.
Here is my video on the gold telluride minerals: https://youtu.be/co1-UExjduc
For those who want to learn more about Prospecting and finding gold check out my book, Fists full of Gold. It’s an encyclopedia of everything on the topic of prospecting. It’s available on from High Plains Prospectors. (Affiliate) You can find it at:

Here are some of my most popular videos:
What does natural raw gold look like in ore rocks?

The Biggest Gold discovery ever made on Earth

How To Find Gold: Ten Natural Geologic Indicator Hacks

Seven overlooked spots that hold good gold but most other prospectors ignore

Find the richest spots in the stream by Reading the River for gold.

Where to find diamonds, How to identify rough diamonds and recover raw diamond crystals

Where to find platinum nuggets - identify platinum nuggets - Geology of platinum deposits

High Plains Prospectors – Prospecting Equipment and Supplies

Classic Simple Gold Pan

Portable Folding Aluminum Sluice Box

Minelab Gold Monster 1000

Minelab SDC 2300

Minelab GPZ 7000

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Cette chaîne Youtube est dédiée à la prospection d'or, à la géologie et à la chasse aux roches, avec un accent sur la fourniture d'informations éducatives, de techniques et de méthodes pour trouver de l'or, des gemmes et des minéraux précieux. Le propriétaire de la chaîne partage son expertise et ses expériences sur le terrain, couvrant des sujets tels que la détection de métaux, le lavage à sec, le prospectage et la recherche d'or. La chaîne explore également la géologie derrière la recherche d'or et fournit des informations sur la façon d'identifier et d'extraire l'or à partir de différents types de roches et de minéraux. Que vous soyez un prospecteur débutant ou expérimenté, cette chaîne offre une richesse d'informations et de ressources pour vous aider à réussir dans vos entreprises de prospection d'or.
My name is Chris Ralph, and I am a Professional Prospector - I make my income finding gold, silver, gemstones and mineral deposits which I sell to mining companies. I have a degree in Mine Engineering and I've been digging my own gold for more than 40 years. I've found gold in Africa, Australia, Alaska and all over the western US. This channel is about: 1) Teaching you how to find your own gold and gemstones; 2) Outdoor Adventures in the field exploring the western USA and other locations. 3) I cover diamonds, crystals gemstones and other topics of interest related to geology. Come along with me and we'll have some fun, make some friends and learn a lot about the geology of prospecting for gold. I've got lots of plans for new videos, so please subscribe to my channel and let me know your thoughts in the comments on my videos.