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Draw My Life : Stan Lee (Tribute)

Ajouté le mer. 28 nov. 2018 Films et Animations Rectangular HD

Draw My Life: Stan Lee (Tribute) . Is a complete biography of Stan Martin Leiber, From his childhood to him joining Marvel comics. From being an office boy on Marvel to become the godfather of Marvel Comics. Stan lee story is just amazing.
This video is different from my normal videos. Most of you guys requested me to do a Draw My Life on Stan Lee. But that's not the reason why I am making this video. I want you guys to know that, I grew up reading all type of comics .Those comics were a big part of my childhood . And even now , all the marvel movies are a big part of my life. I love superhero stuff- the movies , the games and all the other things. I know most of you guys do too. I am a big fan of Stan.That man literally created a universe that millions of people love and admire, without him all the comics and Marvel movies that we love won't be there.W e don’t realize, but entertainment is a big part of our lives, its a getaway from our day to day problems and stress and I am very grateful to Stan that he created all of these. I know people are sad with Stan Lee’s death but death is inevitable.We all will die one day but I am so happy that Stan lived an amazing life of 95 years. That man died doing what he loves to do regardless of age, regardless of money. Stan Lee lived an amazing life and he has one hell of an amazing story. That's the reason I am making this video. I spend 4 days creating this video making sure that I cover everything because that man is a Legend and I want to tell you guys everything about him.

Music Credit
# Composer: Whitesand (Martynas Lau)
# Title: Melody Of My Dreams
# Original Video: https://youtu.be/Si89RLFreaw

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Draw My Life Stan Lee Stan Lee draw my life Stan Lee biography biography Stan Lee stan lee bio stan lee tribute stan lee cameos stan lee funeral stan lee last video Stan Lee story rip stan lee marvel comics memorial stan stan the man spiderman thor hulk ironman ant man groot wolverine xmen x men tony stark venom thanos jack kirby disney doctor strange starlord rocket raccoon scarlet witch vision excelsior


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I see you stumble upon my channel so let me explain about my channel . Draw My Life is a channel where I draw life story of your favorite fictional character like Batman, Superman life story of Your favorite youtuber and story of Celebrities . By watching my video you can have a pretty good knowledge about all of their lives , cool right, I know . So what are you waiting for hit that SUBSCRIBE button just smash it and join with me for all the fun that we have here .
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