
周杰倫 JAY CHOU (feat. 楊瑞代) 【聖誕星 Christmas Star】Official MV

Published on Thu, Dec 21st 2023 Entertainment Rectangular HD

聖誕星(feat. 楊瑞代) *English subtitle available

馴鹿的響鈴 和雪花的相遇
當作是我對你離開 描繪的旋律
柴火寫了序 暖和童話的過去

遠方的煙囪冒著煙 該不會是我的卡片(我的卡片)
那是我讓聖誕老人 捎去的想念(捎去的想念)
壁爐的窗邊 聖誕襪的許願等待實現

夢境沈睡森林木屋 鐘聲敲醒雪地晨露
熟悉的微笑 那是你送我不想拆開的禮物
我放下聖誕的曲目 放不下沒你的旅途

當燭火點燃了孤獨 我還在回想擁抱的溫度

我的愛就像聖誕樹頂的星星 裝飾完到最後才能夠獻上真心
等不及的你沒有佇留的腳印 依偎懷裡的熱情已結冰

我的愛就像聖誕樹頂的星星 冰天雪地的夜裡只為了你證明
你就像頭也不回任性的流星 怎麼體會極光的美麗

#jaychou #ChristmasStar #周杰倫 #聖誕星

◆ 周杰倫 Jay Chou ◆
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Automatic summary
This YouTube channel is dedicated to the musical journey of renowned artist Jay Chou, offering a captivating blend of music, storytelling, and stunning visuals. Through a collection of music videos and behind-the-scenes documentaries, the channel showcases Jay Chou's artistic evolution, creative process, and unique style. Audiences can expect to be immersed in nostalgic and introspective narratives, complemented by impressive choreography and picturesque landscapes. The channel also highlights collaborations with other talented artists and explores the inspirations behind Jay Chou's iconic songs, providing a comprehensive look at his influential career in the entertainment industry.
Jay Chou 周杰倫

“New King of Asian Pop” — Time magazine (2003)
“One of the most influential figures in Asia”— CNN (2009)

Music Career
-Iconic musician of the 21st century
-Since his debut in 2000, he has composed, produced, released 14 studio albums, which sold over 30 million copies.
-He holds the highest record sales for Asian male singer, and has won numerous music awards, including 15 GMAs (Chinese Grammy)

-Accomplished 7 world tours, over 300 concerts, performed to more than 10 million people. Jay Chou is celebrating his two decades in the entertainment industry by launching his 20th Anniversary "Carnival " World Tour in Oct. 2019.