
Don't Pay Cash. PayMaya!

Published on Fri, Sep 27th 2019 People & Blogs Rectangular HD

Para mas sulit ang bayad mo, don’t pay cash. PayMaya!

Download the PayMaya app for free from the App Store or Google Play para tuloy-tuloy na ang ligaya!


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Automatic summary
The channel is primarily focused on providing information and updates about the Maya app, a comprehensive money management platform that offers features such as savings, spending, cryptocurrency, and credit. It also showcases the PlayMaya tournament, featuring highlights of the intense battles between teams as they compete for dominance in various games. Additionally, the channel offers guides on how to use PayMaya for various purposes, including paying for government services, e-commerce transactions, and business solutions. The audience can expect to learn about the latest updates and features of the Maya app, as well as gain insights into the world of competitive gaming and digital payments.
🏆 No. 1 🇵🇭 digital bank app in monthly active users
🤑 High interest rates daily
🔒 BSP-licensed and insured by PDIC up to 500,000 per depositor
💚 Open with just 1 ID and no. min deposit